Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Health Benefits of Pomegranate

Read the one I highlighted in RED .  GOOD for our KID

Health Benefits of Pomegranate

·         Scientific Name: Punica granatum
·         Origin: West Asia (Iran), Eastern Mediterranean
·         Varieties: Several, based on color.
·         Season: October through January, but pomegranate juice is available year round in the supermarket or online store. When buying pomegranate juice look for 100% juice with no sugar, no high fructose, corn syrup or other fillers.
·         Tree: height: up to 5m
·         Fruit: diameter: 6-12 cm; weight: 100-300gm
·         Culinary uses: taken fresh; fruit juice, syrup, soup, juices is added on icings, salad dressing and is used to flavor sauces and pickles.
Pomegranate is a tropical fruit that grow wild from Iran to northern India, but they are cultivated throughout India, the Middle East, southern Europe and California. The bright red flower of the pomegranate tree has always been considered a symbol of love and its fruit symbolizes fertility. The size of a ripe pomegranate can be as small as an orange or as big as a grapefruit, depending on its variety. It has a rounded hexagonal shape, with thick reddish rind. Within the fruit is about 700-800 tightly packed seed casings called arils (fleshy, cover of a seed), that are deep red in color when ripe. It is this abundance of seeds that gives the fruit its name, derived from the Latin pomum granatum which means "fruit with many seeds." The taste of the juice differs depending on the variety and its state of ripeness. But basically, it can be sweet, sour or tangy.

Health Benefits:
·         Pomegranate contains higher level of antioxidants than those ofblueberries, cranberries and oranges and even red wine or green tea.
·         The fruit is eaten around the world to make their skin clear and glowing.
·         The anti-inflammatory agent in pomegranate juice significantly reduces arthritic pain.
·         Drinking concentrated pomegranate juice may reduce cholesterol.
·         Pomegranate juice prevent breast cancer cell from forming.
·         The juice destroys breast cancer cells while leaving healthy cells protected.
·         The juice may inhibit the development of lung cancer.
·         Research show that maternal consumption of pomegranate juice may protect the neonatal brain from damage after injury.
·         It may prevent and slow Alzheimer's disease.
·         The juice may prevent dental plaque.
·         Pomegranate fruit helps to remove intestinal worms in children.
·         Drinking pomegranate juice frequently is extremely beneficial in fighting the hardening of arteries (atherosclerosis).
·         Eating pomegranate frequently may reduce the blood vessel damage, it is found to actually reverse the progression of this disease.
·         Pomegranate juice can help keep blood platelets from clumping together to form unwanted clots.
·         Drinking eight ounces of pomegranate juice daily for three months improved the amount of oxygen getting to the heart muscle of patients with coronary heart disease.
·         Studies show that long-term consumption of pomegranate juice may help combat erectile dysfunction.
·         The high content of ascorbic acid in this fruit can help prevent and remedy some respiratory problem.
·         Pomegranate juice can help increase your appetite.
Consumption Tips: When buying pomegranates, choose those that are heavy and without splits on its skin.
·         If you are on any medication, consult with your doctor before you start consuming pomegranate juice regularly. There is some possibility that the juice may affect the effect of some prescribed medications.
·         Though not proven, there is also concern that when it is consumed together with other blood pressure medication, it may cause the pressure to drop too low.

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